Tropical Green Leaves


Giving Students

A Fresh Start

Every contribution counts

We're aiming to raise $5,000 for school supplies to empower students with a fresh start.


Liane & Omer Barak

We are Liane & Omer Barak, a Senior in American Heritage & a graduate in Lake highland prep high schools from Florida.

Since both of our parents are Israelis and the rest of our family still lives there, we thought of an idea that is very close to our heart; a fresh start project.

A fundraiser that offers school supplies and confidence to future scholars who are often lost and forgotten due to poverty or the current war that is happening in Israel

We are allowing children to have a fresh start thanks to your contributions!

We are leading a project in which we will collect funds for new school bags and new School supplies for children & students who need it and cannot afford to purchase it themselves.

As part of this project, we have created a fundraiser that is taking place both in the US and in Israel in order to obtain donations and funding in order to purchase these products.

When you grow up as a child in an underprivileged family, you often receive second hand products such as clothes, books, furniture and even second-hand food.

This summer it is even more importance since many families and children were dislocated fro, their home after Oct 7th .

In our project, the goal is for those children to feel that they acquire an equal opportunity to start - “ A fresh start” - Like any other child - with a new bag, a new pencil case, new school supplies, and even a new computer.

We believe that every person deserves to feel equal and have a fresh start with the new products. This will give the children who need it the strength to start the next school year feeling empowered with motivation and a desire to succeed.

We have received the support of The Israel Women' s Circle to lead this yearly project. and we are launching our the 2nd year of this campaign.

Last summer we traveled to Israel with the funds and used them to purchase the school supplies for the children. We packed and distributed them to children in need, with the support of the social department in Israel.

This summer we need your help again!!

MORE THAN EVER we need your support too!

Every contribution counts to help these children have a Fresh Start. Your generosity will brighten a child's future and open doors to endless possibilities.

Make a Difference Today

How We Can Make a Difference

A Person Holding an Egg Tray


Simply, visit our GoFundMe to make a secure donation directly to our campaign. No matter how big or small, every donation will make a significant impact and bring a smile to a child's face.


With these funds, we will purchase backpacks filled with supplies and all the essentials needed for a successful education. Then we will distribute to the children in need.


By giving these children access to school essentials, we give them an opportunity for a fresh start. Make students feel empowered and motivated to maximize their potential & a boost of confidence!



Love sunshine

Meet Siblings, Liane & Omer

Founders of The Fresh Start Project

Liane Barak

I am a raising senior in High School in the Pre Medical Program at American Heritage.

I am a Lieutenant for Pre Medical Society and a student ambassador, a member of National Honors Society & Spanish Honors Society. I love art, animals and to swim and surf.

Omer Barak

I just graduated from Lake Highland Prep.

I am a member of Spanish Honors society and a wrestler. I compete in National level. going to be a freshmen in UPENN this coming summer:)

I love music. I play the guitar and sing.

Blue Wave Vector

Summer 2023 - School Supplies Packing & Distribution in Israel


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